Tyra Tingleff Norwegian, b. 1984


Tyra Tingleff (b. 1984, Hönefoss) lives and works between Oslo and Berlin. She graduated from the Royal College of Art, London, with a Master’s in Painting in 2013 and the National Academy of the Arts Bergen in 2008.


Tyra Tingleff’s paintings twist and squeeze the abstract language of the medium. Her works alight, but never settle, upon a range of reference points, her surfaces and semi-tangible forms remaining ever restless locked in an infinite loop. Nebulous forms appear from nowhere, breaking through areas of raw untouched canvas. Remnants of the alchemic interplay between oil, turps, pigment are immaculately preserved leaving hallucinatory aerial landscapes, lines weaving through these surfaces as if attempting to give some definition to the formless. Built up through these varying layers of application, a cross section of traditions are acknowledged within the canvas yet ultimately refuted as she strives for an absence of language within the work.


Selected solo exhibitions include There are so many places I haven’t been in my closest surroundings, Kewenig Galerie, Palma de Mallorca, 2023; Imagine it Wet…, ChertLüdde, Berlin 2022; No feeling is final, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, 2022; Smile now, cry later, The Sunday Painter, London, 2021; Will always be the opposite, The Sunday Painter, London, 2018; Tyra Tingleff & Rosa Iliou, ChertLüdde, Berlin, 2016; Grinding your teeth to keep out the wind, The Sunday Painter, London, 2016; Closer Scrub, SALTS, Basel, 2015.


Selected group shows include Et Kollektivt Kaosmos, Kunsthall Oslo, Oslo, 2020; Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, 2019; To Make the Stone Stony, Galleri Golsa, Oslo, 2019; Juni-utstillingen, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, 2018; Fickle Food Upon A Shifting Plate, Studio Leigh, London, 2017; In space no one can hear you laugh, Galleria Giovanni Bonelli, Rome, 2016; Anderland, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, 2015.


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